Financial connections
I don’t need income from this blog to sustain myself. I choose integrity and honest expression over monetary gain, so I won’t advertise something I do not stand behind.
I do however convert outgoing links to their affiliate and referral versions, when that does not impact you as a reader financially.
I do this for several reasons:
- A (successful) affiliate often gets access to early releases of products, or products to try, which give me more opportunity to experiment with those new releases and report back about it here.
- I put the generated revenue towards new products and experiences.
- I get somewhat indirect feedback on what seems to be useful for you the reader, and I like knowing I have a positive impact on you. This motivates me to put energy in this blog.
Organizational connections
I am connected to many organizations. However this is a n=1 blog and as I said in the disclaimer, I’m not speaking on behalf of any of them on this blog.
That said, I consider it useful for you to know what organizations might have a bigger influence on my world view:
- Your Creative Solutions: my company. This is the formal structure for my commercial activities. YCS is mostly visible for my Common Criteria certification, training and consultancy services, as well as other IT security activities, but it also underpins the commercial side of the Authentic Relating and Bulletproof® activities.
- Common Criteria (CC): I’m a commercial certifier under the Dutch CC scheme NSCIB and do quite a bit of work for that scheme.
- Integral Center/Authentic World: I did quite a few of their courses and am a certified Circling Facilitator (second T3 cohort, first European to train in Circling and be certified), as well as part of the staff training in the Advanced T3 on a quarterly basis. I felt the overwhelming urge to bring this to Europe, and founded Authentic Europe to do just that. We held a dozen or so workshops, including bringing the flagship Aletheia to Amsterdam (first ever), provided training and more.
- Bulletproof®: I was a Bulletproof® Coach, part of the very first Inaugural Class of 2015. The Bulletproof® Coach Training just means I got to learn more about the Bulletproof® Diet, with a presence-based coaching strategy around it. It does not mean I am an employee of any kind, so obviously I don’t speak on behalf of Bulletproof Inc at all. At ±2018 I’ve broken my relationships with that organisation because I could no longer speak positive about them.
I hope this gave you some insight where I am coming from and who I am not talking for?
With warm regards,
P.S. See also the disclaimer and about this site.